Tired of running your band?
What if your really could have the freedom to just do music?
Put your musician scheduling and your entire music business on auto-pilot so you can actually focus on music again.
Tired of running your band?
What if your really could have the freedom to just do music?
Put your musician scheduling and your entire music business on auto-pilot so you can actually focus on music again.

The story of how thousands of musicians and bandleaders got back their freedom to just to music...
Last night, the band was on fire. You played hard, sweat through your shirt and made some incredible memories. How lucky are you to be a musician, just doing what you love!
Now it’s morning and you’re waking up groggy and tired, unable to sleep anymore because the guy next door thinks that waiting until 8am to start his noisy yard work is “considerate”.
You reach for your phone and quickly realize your day has already been set out for you. Three new gig inquiries, one bridezilla message and a few pestering bandmates who are hoping to get paid ASAP for last night’s gig.
You really need to make some time for date night with your partner and your parents haven’t seen you in ages. The chores are piling up and you still have three new tunes to learn for your next gig.
You’re burnt out and tired of running the show. Why does music have to be this difficult?
When you left school with your music degree, is this really how you envisioned a day in the life of your music career?
Hi, I’m Reuben.
5 years ago, I was a tired bandleader, just like you.
I wasted so much time at my computer each day and the thought of spending the rest of my life like that was torture. I looked at other companies, humming along with their tailored business software and I felt like that kid outside the toy store, fogging up the glass as he pines for a glimpse of the trinket he desires.
For years, I had scoured the internet in search of a program that I could use to run my band better. Anything to organize the chaos so I could just enjoy music again.
But one sunny summer day, I had had enough. I looked at my business partner and slammed my first on the table. “I’m so tired of this grind. If there isn’t a better way to do this, I quit.”
And guess what? I couldn’t find a better way. So I quit.
The END!
Fast forward to today.
Surprise - I was joking. I didn’t actually quit. My band is alive and well and we’ve just pulled through COVID with a record year ahead of ourselves.
And how is that possible?
Back in that fist-slam moment, it dawned on me.
For most bands and artists, it's not the music holding them back. It's the business. But learning to run a great business takes time. And too much time spent on the business makes Johnny a dull performer.
What all bandleaders need is a SIMPLE way to run their business so that they can have the freedom to actually do music again!
That’s why my partner, Eric and I created Back On Stage app, with a mission to give you the freedom to focus on your music by making the business so easy that it practically runs itself.
It will cure your PDF hell and endless email chains. And it can even pay your band members for you automatically. But do you want to know what makes it really special?
The holy grail is the Auto-Book tool, which can be loaded with all your musicians, then it methodically goes through your entire call list, contacting each band member one by one until it has confirmed someone to play each instrument for your next gig.
And it can do this all while you’re asleep. Or on a date. Or spending quality time with your family.
Want to experience the freedom that thousands of your fellow musicians across the globe already have?
We want to show you how easy it is to put your musician scheduling and your entire music business on auto-pilot so you can actually focus on music again. (And so you don’t want to quit, like I did)

Back On Stage co-founders, Eric Tsang (left) and Reuben Avery (right)
If you’re serious about growing your music business and not burning out in the process, learn how to Auto-Book your musicians so you can book more gigs with ease and actually ENJOY your music career again!
Would you rather spend the rest of your life in an office, or on stage with your band?
Yes! I Choose Music